Technical skills to work on in Level 6…

Now I am at the end of this module, I have a list of specific areas I want to improve on in the last year of this degree: Definitely: Gain more advanced Lightroom knowledge by watching more online tutorials and applying techniques to my own photos Practice using a gimbal so that I am confident…… Continue reading Technical skills to work on in Level 6…

Spring Equinox Event Photography | Reviewing final outcomes…

This space had some better lit areas than the other evening events I have shot during this module, which is probably a main reason why I produced more portfolio-worthy shots. Subframing However, I have also been inspired by fellow coursemates Bronte Carter and Erin Cooper-Jones’ method of using objects in the environment to frame my…… Continue reading Spring Equinox Event Photography | Reviewing final outcomes…

Amelia Sutcliffe on LinkedIn | Connecting with a fellow videographer.

Through the collaborative videography experience of filming the Salsa flash mob, I met a fellow videographer with more commercial experience, Amelia Sutcliffe. Before meeting in person, I made contact with her through email and LinkedIn – I think doing this helps to build a lasting professional relationship with people, in the same way that I…… Continue reading Amelia Sutcliffe on LinkedIn | Connecting with a fellow videographer.

Exhibition Event Film | Reviewing final outcome… There was initially no specific use outlined to us for the footage captured at the Human Aquarium launch, other than video documentation of the event. So for the most part of this film I took on the role of director, even though I would consider the client to be Yorkshire Life Aquatic. From the…… Continue reading Exhibition Event Film | Reviewing final outcome…

Preparing consent forms & filming notices for Salseros Unite.

Part of providing my videography/photography service to Salseros Unite has involved preparing customised consent forms. The client had written an initial draft which I then edited to incorporate all of the participant/licensing information provided by the University guidelines. I also made sure that I prepared numerous filming notices which could be used on the day…… Continue reading Preparing consent forms & filming notices for Salseros Unite.

Alice Aedy | A young photojournalist & documentary film-maker

Alice Aedy is a massive inspiration, as she has managed to find a career in lens-based media that relates to her interests in social and environmental issues. Having reflected on the fact that the purpose of my work is a big motivational factor, and that I am most interested in projects which engage with social…… Continue reading Alice Aedy | A young photojournalist & documentary film-maker

Jessica Whitaker | Model of Practice

Jessica Whitaker has been a really useful model of practice as a young, professional photographer. Her YouTube videos speak in detail about issues I have come across in the transitional period of being both a student but starting to charge for my work. Interestingly, although her advice on professional development has been really useful, looking…… Continue reading Jessica Whitaker | Model of Practice

4 messages, 4 emails & a phonecall later…| Chasing payments

A really good learning curve has been experiencing delayed payments. I was promised payment on delivery of the photos, but had to wait over a month after sharing the photographs… Key points of learning include: Use email for any form of communication relating to work (including voluntary.) This maintains professionalism, removes the immediacy of instant…… Continue reading 4 messages, 4 emails & a phonecall later…| Chasing payments