Progress on gaps in skillset

After reflecting on PPP1 and my skillset evaluation from 2018, I was prompted to revisit the detailed skillset evaluation I did this January 2019.

Nothing much as changed in terms of what I am interested in/enjoy/feel comfortable in. However, I feel I have started to work on some of my weaknesses in the last couple of months:

I have now completed simple animations on AfterEffects and incorporated the skills into social media campaigns for Salseros Unite’s Salsa Flash Mob and my own Communications Officer campaign. Although I have a lot to learn, I now feel comfortable enough to add competency in AfterEffects to job applications, which I know from researching vacancies is seen as a bonus asset.

I have still not explored more experimental editing styles in Premiere Pro, so this could be something to bear in mind. However, in the field of documentary filming, creative transitions can be distracting and inappropriate. This is primarily why I haven’t yet explored them, but it would still be worthwhile to add an extra element of interest to my showreel.

I attended David Collins’ graphic layout workshop as it matched my interest in learning more about typesetting (identified in the final bullet.) Although I didn’t enter the Penguin Book Cover competition, the techniques I learnt about letter placement came in handy when designing my Communications Officer campaign materials.

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